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如果你是学习技术的新手,我们有你. Here are all the questions you should never be afraid to ask when understanding and choosing an LMS for the first time.



An LMS is a type of e-learning software application that’s existed since the early 1990s. 这是学习管理系统的缩写. Traditionally, LMSs enabled organizations to manage, distribute, and track online training. That’s why they have been so popular for mandatory and regulatory courses. (想想信息安全或道德培训.)用LMS, an organization can more easily prove its employees have learned what they were supposed to. 有明确的监管审计线索.


从历史上看,lms以难以使用而闻名. That’s because they were designed with management and administration in mind. 但是, 学习技术市场已经发展, LMS也随之发展. 如今,许多LMS系统的目标远不止学习管理. They might enable companies to create e-learning material, like an authoring tool. 或者授权员工浏览和发现相关课程, 喜欢学习体验平台(LXP). 随着系统之间的界限变得模糊, 越来越多的供应商将自己称为一个学习平台. 这就是我们对萨那的描述.


很难的问题. 不同组织的需求差别很大. 也就是说,两个共同的特征是公司规模和增长率. 如果你已经有200多名员工,并且正在增加员工人数, you’re probably experiencing at least one of the following LMS-ready signs:


Spreadsheets and personal calendar invites are fine when you have a new joiner every couple of months. 但是,y’re not fine when you have several new joiners starting every couple of days. 有一个过程 和入职一样重要在美国,管理杂耍会带来很大的压力.

An LMS can help scale your onboarding program by automating many of the manual steps. 通过正确的HRIS集成, the LMS system can automatically enroll new hires in the onboarding progress. If you have a growing sales team, you can do the same thing with sales enablement training.


初级领导在创业公司中很常见. 毕竟,从外部聘用高级员工对公司来说可能是一个冒险的举动. Why shouldn’t you bet on the ambitious people who’ve shown grit and dedication since day 1?

随着公司的发展,领导力变得越来越具有挑战性. Strategic decisions can get more complicated; people concerns become more nuanced. You know your first-time leaders need more training and support, but everyone is so busy.

在这种情况下,文化和技术携手并进. If your exec team can give your leaders the permission and space to train, 那么合适的LMS平台就可以保证他们的发展.


每一家快速发展的公司都会进入“成长期”. There are new certifications to attain, more processes to tighten, fresh rules to respect. 和往常一样,你时间很紧.

lms在这种情况下大放异彩. You can enroll employees in mandatory trainings, set due dates, and track all the completions. The tracking part here is key—you can prove to regulatory bodies that your company is being compliant.

一旦你能证明你是服从的, 你想优化它. 毕竟,这些必修课程可能需要几个小时. 如果你的员工可以在1个而不是3个时间内完成它们会怎么样? 这就是个性化的用武之地. The right LMS will assess each employee’s knowledge level and adapt the course accordingly. 所以没有人会花时间去学习他们已经知道的东西.


如果你至少认识到这些迹象中的一个, 您可能应该考虑使用LMS或同等的学习平台.


There are a lot of learning management systems out there, so it’s easy to get overwhelmed. 但 一点准备就能大有帮助.

而不是直接在网上搜索, start by thinking about what you need and how you will compare different products.

步骤1 -绘制出你想要达到的结果

每个产品的存在都是为了提供问题的解决方案. 你的呢?? 成功是什么样子的? 从列出所有事情开始. 例如:

  • 我们的新员工怎样才能更快地提高工作效率?
  • 我们的销售团队怎样才能更有效率?
  • 我们如何降低商业风险?
  • 随着规模的扩大,我们如何保留和发展我们独特的文化?
  • 我们如何创建更高绩效的团队?
  • 我们如何解放人力资源团队的时间?
  • 我们如何让员工保持投入?

Evaluating tools is much easier when you know what you’re trying to achieve.

步骤2 -建立你的决策框架

有了明确的结果后,是时候评估不同的供应商了. 根据我们的经验,决策很少归结为功能. 是的,你在购买产品. 但你同时也在投资该产品的公司. 那家公司是你合适的合作伙伴吗?



  • 他们有什么特点?
  • 我们能创造出我们想要的学习项目吗?
  • 少了什么?


  • 产品的发展方向如何,与我们的需求匹配程度如何?
  • 公司的业绩如何? 他们执行得如何?


  • 公司是否认同我们的价值观?
  • 客户支持有多好?

每个公司都有不同的优先级和偏好. 从一开始就确定对你重要的是什么, you can eliminate options more quickly and evaluate strong contenders more rigorously.

我仍然不明白LMS和LXP之间的区别. 那么创作工具呢? 我需要把它们都放在我的学习堆栈中吗?


  • Build your own ecosystem from a range of specialist tools—and get custom control
  • Run everything from one fully-integrated system—and keep things nice and simple


如果你采用自定义路由,你的堆栈可能是这样的. 您通过多个API集成来构建学习生态系统.


LMS -学习管理平台

  • An LMS is the e-Learning software that manages, distributes, and tracks online learning.


  • 传统的lms侧重于分配和跟踪学习, lxp都是关于发现和选择学习.
  • Like Netflix or YouTube, LXPs often use personalization to make relevant content suggestions.


  • 大规模在线开放课程(MOOCs)是一种电子学习内容. 最常见的格式是点播录制视频. 他们可能会有一个明确的教学大纲.
  • 许多lxp与制作mooc的学习内容提供商集成在一起.


  • 创作工具s enable organizations to create their own learning content without writing code. 把它们看作是一个网站CMS,但是用于学习而不是营销.
  • There’s usually a drag-and-drop editor and the ability to upload existing content.


如果你走综合路线, 核心创作, LXP, 和LMS功能将存在于一个学习平台中. 增加可用学习内容的数量, 您可以与第三方内容库集成.

这两种方法的底层功能是相同的. Ultimately, you want to create, experience, distribute, and measure learning. 区别在于你是在一个平台上还是在几个平台上做这些事情.

Should we choose an integrated learning platform or build a custom ecosystem?


一般来说,中小型企业和规模化企业不需要建立一个生态系统. You’re busy and need to move fast—two characteristics that lend themselves well towards a simple, 集成学习解决方案.

另一个考虑因素是成本:五个学习工具等于五个合同. 所以如果你 spend-conscious, an 综合学习平台可能更有吸引力. 它最终应该会降低总体成本.

That said, you might be drawn to some specific features that only a dedicated tool can provide. 永远记得将它们与你想要的结果进行交叉检查. 这些特性对实现你的目标有多重要?


伟大的技术只能让你走这么远. If you want your employees to embrace your new LMS, you need to put on your marketing hat.


These could be subject matter experts or employees who are very passionate about learning. 他们可以在任何团队中. Your job is to find them and give them access to your new platform as quickly as possible. 这些人成为超级用户的速度越快, 他们就能越快地在整个公司推广这些好处.

#2 .寻找执行发起人

Employees will almost always prioritize day-to-day work over personal development. 除非他们看到更资深的人这么做. 这就是为什么在你的执行团队中有一个赞助人是至关重要的. 和他们一起录制一个简短的欢迎视频,上传到平台上, 邀请他们在午餐和学习中分享他们的学习习惯. 你的目标是把这位高管变成公司的榜样.

3 .将平台发布与真正的技能差距联系起来

Let’s say your leaders have been struggling to build psychological safety in their remote teams. What better way to launch your new LMS than with a brand new leadership academy? 你会更快地证明平台的价值,因为你知道有需求, 同时向团队展示你在倾听他们的需求. 这是双赢.

3 .与沟通团队合作

最后但同样重要的 把LMS发布当成产品发布. Think posters, videos, Slack messages, live demos, All Hands announcements. Get in touch with your comms team and ask them to help you spread the word internally. 你提高的意识越多,你的新工具就会越受重视.

无论你做什么,都要让它变得有趣. Workplace learning has a lousy reputation—don’t underestimate the power of a little humor and entertainment.


Every company is different, so you should always stay true to your culture and goals. 但 if the LMS race is tight and you’re struggling to choose, why not ask yourself these questions:

1 .谁能为我们节省最多的时间?

Adding an LMS to your HR stack doesn’t have to mean starting from scratch. 谁会让你上传和导入现有的学习材料? 或者与学习库集成? 在哪里可以找到可重复使用和适应性强的课程模板? Time and resources are precious for fast-moving teams—these kinds of features will help you make the most of both.


Work is no longer a place we go; it’s a thing that we do. 所以如果你 company has embraced hybrid work, then your learning platform should embrace it too. 你以前的课堂培训怎么办? 你将如何远程运行它们? 既然这些都发生在网上,你该如何优化它们呢? 我们很容易把职场学习和在线课程联系起来,但是 学习有很多种形式. 找到能提供你渴望的多样性的平台.

3 .哪里才是学习的最佳场所?

忘掉LMS特性的清单吧. 这是关于人和行为的改变. 学习很难. 这是一个持续的过程,需要勇气和脆弱.

那么你的员工在哪里会感到最安全? 最有灵感的? 最不受抑制的?

If the feature lists match, go where your team will fall in love with learning. 因为如果你能做到这一点,其他一切都会随之而来.


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